
From Drive: The SciFi Comic
Revision as of 07:42, 15 November 2017 by Ret Samys (talk | contribs) (Created page with "[http://patreon.com/drive Patreon supporters] have access to the Discord chatroom. If you're a supporter, [https://discord.gg/XEBqXNn join us...")
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Patreon supporters have access to the Discord chatroom. If you're a supporter, join us here!


  • main_chat_patreononly

    Any and all topics related to Drive! Chat here about the characters, the plot, the history, the empire, the planets, or the aliens, or the current story twist!

  • tales_of_the_drive_stories_patreononly

    Any and all topics related to the guest-artist "Tales of the Drive" stories!

  • scifi_recommendations_patreononly

    This channel is for reccomendations! What comics, scifi novels, etc are you reading?

  • patreon_access, a catchall channel for people who aren't able to connect with Patreon
  • plot_theories_patreononly

    This channel is solely for folks to discuss big-picture THEORIES on where things are headed, what will happen, etc. I suppose it should carry a #spoilers warning, as others might potentially come up with plot theories could change YOUR enjoyment of the story.


  • Admin (only Beth and Dave)
  • Emperor! (Beth, Dave and high-tier supporters)
  • La Familia!
  • Drive Corps Officer!
  • Drive Corps!
  • BOT (Patreon bot)